Masters of Rudolf II’s Era

Works of Art by Court Artists of Rudolf II in Private Czech Collections

Price: 190 Kč

 The catalogue was published for the City of Prague Museum’s exhibition, presenting the works by Rudolf II’s court artists which returned to the country of their origin thanks to the enlightened private collectors. Unaware of the treasures hanging on their walls and sending them to auctions in the Czech Republic, many local households significantly contributed to new discoveries and collection acquisitions. The exhibition showcased the art of Bartholomeus Spranger, Hans von Aachen, Joseph Heintz the Elder, Pieter Stevens, Dirk de Quade van Ravesteyn, Matthias Gundelach, Adriaen de Vries, and several anonymous works and prints from Rudolf’s era. The City of Prague Museum enriched the exhibition with several exhibits from their collection.

Czech-English edition

TitleMasters of Rudolf II’s Era: Works of Art by Court Artists of Rudolf II in Private Czech Collections 
Author/AuthorsEliška Fučíková
Publication date2014
PublisherThe City of Prague Museum
Our codePU 160
LanguageCzech, english
Weight900 g
Dimensions295 x 205 mm