Prague Vedute of the 18th Century

Price: 770 Kč

The book presents the general views of Prague and its parts made by printmaking techniques during the 18th century. It contains images and detailed descriptions of more than 420 prints featuring the city and its transformation plus significant historical events and natural disasters. The list of vedute is based on the collections of the City of Prague Museum, National Museum, National Gallery Prague, Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov, National Library of the Czech Republic, and other public collections. It also contains the index of artists, subject index, and a detailed bibliography. The book will please professionals as well as the lovers of Prague and those interested in its history. Czech-English publication.

TitlePrague Vedute of the 18th Century
Author/AuthorsJiří Lukas, Miroslava Přikrylová
Publication date2017
PublisherThe City of Prague Museum
Our codePU 183
LanguageCzech, English
Weight2,8 kg
Dimensions335 x 255 mm