Two Rainbows above the Execution Ground

Price: 435 Kč

Telling the story of the Kutnaur family members, Šimon Sušický and Jan Kutnaur of Sonnenštejn, two burghers hanged during the Old Town execution on 21 June 1621, the book captures the uneasy decisions and key moments in the life of the burghers of Prague, especially the Unity of the Brethren members, during the period of religious changes and subsequent Counter-Reformation in the Czech lands during the 17th century. The book combines professional and laic perspectives that enable the wide range of readers understand the unsettled period after the Battle of White Mountain.

TitleTwo Rainbows above the Execution Ground: The Story of the Kutnaur Family during the Unsettled Post-White Mountain Times 
Author/AuthorsZuzana Vojtíšková, Olga Fejtová
Publication date2020
PublisherThe City of Prague Museum
Our codePU 210
Weight550 g
Dimensions220 x 220 mm