Božena Rothmayerová Horneková and Alice Masaryková: A Ward and a Mentor (1926–1939)

Price: 450 Kč

The book shows the relationship of two remarkable female cultural figures of the 20th century, the textile artist Božena Rothmayerová, née Horneková, and Alice Masaryková. Their relationship culminated during 1926–1939 when Alice Masaryková asked Božena Rothmayerová to decorate the interiors of Prague Castle and other presidential residences. The author presents a unique collection of archival documents – correspondence, notes, drawings, sketches, and examples of the textile production of the artist, all published for the first time. The book includes copies of more than fifty letters, images, and a contribution by the curator Markéta Vinglerová, a documentalist of the artist’s collection in the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague.

TitleBožena Rothmayerová Horneková and Alice Masaryková: A Ward and a Mentor (1926–1939)
Author/AuthorsMarie Szadkowská
Publication date2019
PublisherThe City of Prague Museum
Our codePU 203
Weight1125 g
Dimensions175 x 240 mm
Recommended retail price450 Kč