Barbarian Graves at Prague Zličín

Price: 415 Kč

This impressive book presents archaeological research of the 5th century burial site uncovered in Prague-Zličín as well as the dramatic Migration Period in Bohemia and Europe. The book is the first of its kind and will be appreciated mostly by all the fans of archaeology and history of Late Antiquity and the Migration Period. In addition to most recent information, the book presents numerous prime-quality images along with selected bibliography and footnotes.

In 2015, the book was awarded the main prize in the Museum Publications category in the Gloria Musaealis national competition.

TitleBarbarian Graves at Prague-Zličín. The World of the Alive and Dead in the Migration Period
Author/AuthorsJaroslav Jiřík, Jiří Vávra, Miroslava Šmolíková, Milan Kuchařík et al. 
Publication date2015
PublisherThe City of Prague Museum
Our codePU 162
Weight1,5 Kg
Dimensions298 x 221 mm
Recommended retail price415 Kč